Busy high achievers often see themselves as people of action, but they’re not always as efficient as they think. Check your own efficiency with this question:
How many To Do lists do you have?
Do you have one gigantic list that’s so long you can’t even read it in one sitting?
Do you have dozens of sticky notes plastered all over your desk?
Do you not even have a list at all?
If your answer to any of these question is “yes,” the better answer is “no, NO, NO!”
To excel as a leader, you’ve got to get the system down. There are many ways of list-making and action planning that are far more strategic than the To Do list. You can find some of them for free on the website (www.TheInnerEdge.com).
But for starters, consider how Adam Barnes, vice president of External Affairs at AT&T, makes his lists.
“You have to come up with priorities that are realistic. You can’t make every single thing a priority. You have to be disciplined in your rankings. I have two lists: the list of stuff I need to get done and the list of stuff I want to get done.”
Right now find a piece of paper and divide into two halves. On one half, write one list by answering the question, What do you need to get done today? On the other half, answer the question, What do you want to get done if you can?
Follow this system for 21 days. If you do, you’ll soon find yourself with no list at all. As one of my clients recently reported, “I never have a To Do list, because everything’s already done.” Imagine. That could be you.
Taking Effective Action is the Third Practice of Personal Leadership. You’ll know you’re taking effective action if:
• You know exactly what to do today to attain your vision, and you’re doing it
• You end every day feeling energized and fulfilled
• You’re getting the results you want.
Did you enjoy this profile? You may be interested in the eCourse, Getting an Edge: 21 Ways World Class Leaders Share Their Secrets for Leading and Living Well. Each of 21 profiles just like this one comes in a separate email – once a day for 21 days. For more information email Info@Pillar-Consulting.com.