Have you ever wished you had more time to do what you need to do?
“Ha!” You say. “How many times a day?!”
Me, too. And then I remember – oh, wait. I do have more time. I have all the time I need. And so do you.
So where is it? You’ve got to find it. In you.
There’s a process for increasing your productivity. In order to get more out of your efforts, you’ve got squeeze every moment out of your energy. Find the shortcuts. Eliminate the distractions. Expand the time you need for the things that really matter.
To do this, you’ve got to be creative. It’s the same process you’d use to look at your expenses if you suddenly decided you wanted to go on vacation. You look closely at the details and find that little extra – and a little more – and maybe a big chunk over here – until you amass the money you need and Hawaii, here you come. Only now, you’re trying to save up your time.
Saly Glassman, Senior Vice President-Investments at Merrill Lynch, is a master of this. She is a financial advisor who has been listed consistently in the top third of the Barron’s 100 Financial Advisors. With a successful family business, two daughters, dogs, horses, and a few little hobbies (like enjoying a lovely 60-mile bike ride), she knows what it means to make the most of her time. Here’s what she says.
You’re looking for every angle you can get more productivity. You have to go into every little corner and look under the rug to see if there’s anything in here.
So where do you look? Try here.
Time checking email | Time cooking and cleaning | Time on the phone |
Time in traffic | Time shopping | Time reading |
Time running errands | Time in meetings | Time writing |
Every single one of these can be eliminated – not just reduced; eliminated – if you get creative.
What are you waiting for? There’s no time to lose.
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