“Wishing…and hoping…and thinking…and praying…” won’t get you what you want. Or so they say. Do you really believe that? Not me.
You might argue that here in the real world, our work is driven by measurables, deliverables, and results. We just need to get things done, and the only way to do that is by hard work. Fine.
Just know that more is possible for you than you can achieve by just knocking out task after task. You have more wisdom, more potential, and more possibility than you may be giving yourself credit for. You have even more possibility than you’ve ever seen in yourself.
The only way to know that is to trust in more intuitive ways of knowing, being and becoming who you want to be – not just by working your life away, but by learning to wish, hope, think, pray, and be in a different kind of way.
Being able to trust in possibility takes a measure of faith – an almost spiritual dimension that’s sometimes lacking in our efforts to achieve. By “spiritual” I do not mean religious; I simply mean that grounded and trusting sense that sometimes guides us without our understanding how or why.
Author William Bloom, a meditation master and expert in the field of holistic development, offers a helpful definition of spirituality as “that whole reality and dimension which is bigger, more creative, more loving, more powerful, more visionary, more wise, more mysterious – than materialistic daily human existence.”
How can you open up to the spirit of possibility? There are a number of very practical, concrete strategies you can use if you’re interested. I call them “Invitations,” because they “invite” success to come to you (instead of you having to chase after it all the time). I’ll share with you the list of these activities, and you can choose the ones that suit you best.
The list is called Your Invitation, and it’s at www.TheInnerEdge.com. Click on Worksheets and Audios (on the left). You’ll find a FREE guide called Your Invitation when you scroll down the page.