As someone who has been practicing personal leadership for a while, you have become extremely engaged – which is excellent, because both you and your organization are benefitting from the results! So how do you extend that inspiration to the rest of your team and employees? To help others get there too, you can encourage them to do exactly what you’ve done.
The following are three tips to help you spread your inspiration:
Start a book group. Learn the practices of personal leadership one at a time. Every month, you have read a chapter from The Inner Edge and focused on a specific exercise to improve your leadership results. Could you host a lunchtime book club and invite others to read a chapter with you?
Love your most valuable leaders. Think about how you’re attending to the best leaders around you – the ones who contribute to your success and that of the organization. Are you taking their dedication for granted, or might they deserve more time and attention? Many organizations are using The Inner Edge as a basis for unique leadership development programs designed for their most powerful leaders. Can you do the same?
Spread the news. You know that self-awareness and inner passion to achieve are ingredients vital for successful leaders, and the research backs it up. But personal leadership – the behind-the-scenes work leaders do to advance and excel – is often hidden. Can you be more open about your reflection? Can you share more about your efforts to improve and inspire yourself, so that other get ideas about how they can get motivated too?
However you choose to extend the inspiration you’ve taken from The Inner Edge, you’re asking the right question! Leadership is about leading others toward a positive vision. Personal leadership will help you all get there together.